Accolades for “A Dream So Bright” – Including a GRAMMY nomination!

True Concord’s newest recording, A Dream So Bright: Choral Music of Jake Runestad, has garnered glowing reviews and notable milestones:


Five Stars. Exceptional in every way.

“Urgently recommended without reservation.”

“The performances set down in this new recording are outstanding.”

“…a grand canvas that is powerful and evocative.”

“The playing is outstanding. The chorus is equally excellent, with fine tone, ensemble, and diction across the board.”

“This is a recording of demonstration quality with gorgeous tone colors always to the fore.”



A vivid, dramatic recording.

“Goes to the emotional heart of Runestad’s scores.”

“Music of urgent and lyrical intensity.”

“A forceful social statement…that comes through with bold and sensitive resolve.”


Evocative, effective and musically brilliant, and truly exciting in this magnificent performance.

“…emotional music that ranges from the most intense to the most serene.”

“…a vivid and well-proportioned recording.”


A lush and gorgeous recording.

“…the choir sings in a soulful tone.”

“…a gorgeously cinematic soundscape.”

Arizona Daily Star