Veris leta facies
The merry face of spring
Veris leta facies
mundo propinatur,
hiemalis acies
victa iam fugatur,
in vestitu vario
Flora principatur,
nemorum dulcisono
que cantu celebratur.
Flore fusus gremio
Phebus novo more
risum dat, hac vario
iam stipate flore.
Zephyrus nectareo
spirans in odore.
Certatim pro bravio
curramus in amore.
Cytharizat cantico
dulcis Philomena,
flore rident vario
prata iam serena,
salit cetus avium
silve per amena,
chorus promit
iam gaudia millena.
The merry face of spring
turns to the world,
sharp winter
now flees, vanquished;
bedecked in various colours
Flora reigns,
the harmony of the woods
praises her in song. Ah!
Lying in Flora’s lap
Phoebus once more
smiles, now covered
in many-coloured flowers,
Zephyr breathes nectar-
scented breezes.
Let us rush to compete
for love’s prize. Ah!
In harp-like tones sings
the sweet nightingale,
with many flowers
the joyous meadows are laughing,
a flock of birds rises up
through the pleasant forests,
virgin the chorus of maidens
already promises a thousand joys. Ah!
Omnia sol temperat
The sun warms everything
Omnia sol temperat
purus et subtilis,
novo mundo reserat
faciem Aprilis,
ad amorem properat
animus herilis
et iocundis imperat
deus puerilis.
Rerum tanta novitas
in solemni vere
et veris auctoritas
jubet nos gaudere;
vias prebet solitas,
et in tuo vere
fides est et probitas
tuum retinere.
Ama me fideliter,
fidem meam noto:
de corde totaliter
et ex mente tota
sum presentialiter
absens in remota,
quisquis amat taliter,
volvitur in rota.
The sun warms everything,
pure and gentle,
once again it reveals to the world
April’s face,
the soul of man
is urged towards love
and joys are governed
by the boy-god.
All this rebirth
in spring’s festivity
and spring’s power
bids us to rejoice;
it shows us paths we know well,
and in your springtime
it is true and right
to keep what is yours.
Love me faithfully!
See how I am faithful:
with all my heart
and with all my soul,
I am with you
even when I am far away.
Whosoever loves this much
turns on the wheel.
Ecce gratum
Behold, the pleasant spring
Ecce gratum
et optatum
Ver reducit gaudia,
floret pratum,
Sol serenat omnia.
Iamiam cedant tristia!
Estas redit,
nunc recedit
Hyemis sevitia.
Iam liquescit
et decrescit
grando, nix et cetera;
bruma fugit,
et iam sugit
Ver Estatis ubera;
illi mens est misera,
qui nec vivit,
nec lascivit sub Estatis dextera.
et letantur
in melle dulcedinis,
qui conantur,
ut utantur
premio Cupidinis:
simus jussu Cypridis
et letantes
pares esse Paridis.
Behold, the pleasant
and longed-for
spring brings back joyfulness,
violet flowers
fill the meadows,
the sun brightens everything,
sadness is now at an end!
Summer returns,
now withdraw
the rigours of winter. Ah!
Now melts
and disappears
ice, snow and the rest,
winter flees,
and now spring sucks at summer’s breast:
a wretched soul is he
who does not live
or lust
under summer’s rule. Ah!
They glory
and rejoice
in honeyed sweetness
who strive
to make use of
Cupid’s prize;
at Venus’ command
let us glory
and rejoice
in being Paris’ equals. Ah!
In truitina
In the balance
In truitina mentis dubia
fluctuant contraria
lascivus amor et pudicitia.
Sed eligo quod video,
collum iugo prebeo:
ad iugum tamen suave transeo.
In the wavering balance of my feelings
set against each other
lascivious love and modesty.
But I choose what I see,
and submit my neck to the yoke;
I yield to the sweet yoke.
Tempus es iocundum
This is the joyful time
Tempus es iocundum,
o virgines,
modo congaudete
vos iuvenes.
Oh, oh, oh,
totus floreo,
iam amore virginali
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est, quo pereo.
Mea me confortat
mea me deportat
Oh, oh, oh
totus floreo
iam amore virginali
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est, quo pereo.
Tempore brumali
vir patiens,
animo vernali
Oh, oh, oh,
totus floreo,
iam amore virginali
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est, quo pereo.
Mea mecum ludit
mea me detrudit
Oh, oh, oh,
totus floreo,
iam amore virginali
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est, quo pereo.
Veni, domicella,
cum gaudio,
veni, veni, pulchra,
iam pereo.
Oh, oh, oh,
totus floreo,
iam amore virginali
totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est, quo pereo.
This is the joyful time,
O maidens,
rejoice with them,
young men!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I am bursting out all over!
I am burning all over with first love!
New, new love is what I am dying of!
I am heartened
by my promise,
I am downcast by my refusal
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I am bursting out all over!
I am burning all over with first love!
New, new love is what I am dying of!
In the winter
man is patient,
the breath of spring
makes him lust.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I am bursting out all over!
I am burning all over with first love!
New, new love is what I am dying of!
My virginity
makes me frisky,
my simplicity
holds me back.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I am bursting out all over!
I am burning all over with first love!
New, new love is what I am dying of!
Come, my mistress,
with joy,
come, come, my pretty,
I am dying!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I am bursting out all over!
I am burning all over with first love!
New, new love is what I am dying of!