My God is a Rock
My God is a rock in a weary land,
Shelter in-a time of storm.
And I know He is a rock in a weary land,
Shelter in-a time of storm.
Stop and let me tell you ’bout the chapter one,
When the Lord God’s work was just begun,
Stop and let me tell you ’bout the chapter two,
When the Lord God’s written his Bible through,
Stop and let me tell you ’bout the chapter three,
When the Lord God died on Calvary.
Stop and let me tell you ’bout the chapter four,
When the Lord God visit’d among the poor,
Stop and let me tell you ’bout the chapter five,
When the Lord God brought the dead alive,
Stop and let me tell you ’bout the chapter six,
He went in Jerusalem and healed the sick.
Stop, let me tell you ’bout the chapter sev’n,
Died and ris’n and went to heav’n,
Stop, let me tell you ’bout the chapter eight,
John seein’ Him standing at the golden gate,
Stop and let me tell you ’bout the chapter nine,
Lord God turned the water to wine,
Stop and let me tell you ’bout the chapter ten,
John says He’s coming in the world again.
African-American Spiritual