Lessons & Carols by Candlelight:

Songs of the Magi

Music inspired by the Three Wise Men
and their gifts

December 12 – 15, 2019

True Concord Choir and Guy Whatley, Organ

Thursday, December 12, 2019, 7:30 PM
Christ the King Episcopal Church

Friday, December 13, 2019, 7:00 PM
St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church, Green Valley

Saturday, December 14, 2019, 7:30 PM
St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church

Sunday, December 15, 2019, 3:00 PM
Catalina United Methodist Church

Sunday, December 15, 2019, 7:30 PM
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church


But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest. Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.

O. Henry, The Gift of the Magi

True Concord brings you the gift of beauty and peace, continuing its tradition of new and traditional carols performed in some of the area’s most beautiful churches.

Surround yourself with warmth, the light of candles, the velvet sound of voices, and the community of people joined together to celebrate the beauty and mystery of a gift given fully from the heart.

Anything can make me stop and look and wonder, and sometimes learn.

Kurt Vonnegut

Experience the gift of music inspired by the Magi in this annual tradition of Lessons & Carols by Candlelight, telling the Christmas story through readings and song.

…the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was… Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and of frankincense and of myrrh.

Matthew 2:9 – 12
