From Darkness to Light
With music by Copland, Bach, Randall Thompson’s Alleluia, folk songs and spirituals
October 22-24, 2021 Video Concert Nov. 13 – Dec. 5
True Concord Choir, Soloists & Chamber Players
A concert of music reflecting this moment – stepping out of the darkness of adversity into the light of a new day.
The past year was one of unprecedented change, uncertainty and loss. In ways the world seemed to just — stop. This period of isolation and silence prompted many of us to take stock of what is most important in our lives.
Family. Friends. Freedom. Purpose. Music.
We invite you to join us as we and the world celebrate life – newly valued and seen through fresh eyes – with a concert of joyous music including works by Bach and Copland, Randall Thompson’s Alleluia, beloved folk songs, spirituals and more.
“Witness firsthand those very special moments when the energy of the audience flows into the performers … where all is hushed in the hall, and every soul waits eagerly for the next note.”
Scott Barker, Tucson Lifestyle